Media in Pakistan

Changing Trends

The shortcomings of FM channels in Pakistan April 2, 2010

Filed under: Music Industry — mediainpakistan @ 9:48 pm

The effectiveness of radio should never be neglected in any society. In fact it’s the first ever device used for entertainment. Despite all the technology growth and the invention of satellite television channels, radio is still considered one of the most effective tools of communication. Radio listeners are increasing, ranging from children to housewives to men at work.

Radio in an integral part of everyone’s lives these days. It creates awareness, provides information and above all, in a way educates the nation! Of course, radio is an entertainment device however lack of focus on certain important issues is affecting its image adversely.

The first of such an issue to be raised is that at times its hurtful to see RJs keep on talking about love for Pakistan and our need to prove ourselves as a nation and more importantly as a Muslim where at the same time have Indian music being played in the background contradicting their statements than and there.

The second significant issue is that of “Azaan” on FM channels. It is extremely demeaning to see the sudden sound of Allah-o-Akbar in between a song and as soon as the duaa ends, the song continues.  

Thirdly, a lot of listeners have come to complain about the low quality of program after midnight not realizing that is also one of the prime times for a nation like ours.

And lastly, the same argument that has been in discussion since the beginning of 1990s and still is. The issue of allowing Indian music and hence, discouraging our own talent, artists and industry.

It will not be wrong to say that despite all the competition, the number of good FM channels in Pakistan is still limited to 1 or 2. Most of FM stations are without any vision. The need of good radio programmers or educated Disk Jockeys is still not the priority of any station. The bottom line for all stations is to make money which leads to ugly and unbearable radio commercials, very less information and awareness to the listener.

Author: Huma Zia


24 Responses to “The shortcomings of FM channels in Pakistan”

  1. Babloo Says:

    awesome points raised by the author!

  2. Hira Mela Says:

    I fully agree with the point you raised huma and they appeal to me as much as they did to you.It is indeed very important that we being pakistani should promote our talent and music fraternity rather than playing our nrighbour country’s music.
    I must say a job well done!Its high time that this issue should be addressed!

  3. chand Says:

    Brilliant piece of work!

  4. Shiza Says:

    Huma I think you are very right in pointing out that these channels don’t have any broad vision. And I again agree the RJs are not educated and it all being done for money. I’l say again money goes where money is

  5. Saleha Says:

    good article

  6. papu Says:

    Indian music should be banned on FM!

  7. farhan Says:

    “RJs keep on talking about love for Pakistan and our need to prove ourselves as a nation”

    these are intentions .. the whole country is full with people who have good intentions…. may it be the prime minister or a guy selling newspapers at the side of the road..i have yet to come across a person who does not have good intentions for the country.. but intentions are useless if not converted into actions…

  8. azka Says:


    • well azka, now almost all the FM channels play more Indian music other than English or Paki music. And yes, we all miss the time when we could actually listen to good quality music on radio!

  9. I specially appreciate the author’s argument regarding the Indian music being played on our radio stations, infact i say that FM Stations like say FM-89 for one, have even set the trend of the western music. Again arguments can be raised both in favor or against it and pro’s and con’s can be weighed. But at the end of the day, i say being a Pakistani, we should encourage our own talent and resume our Music Industry’s charm… which might not be doable unless we, if not ban, than at lest lessen the influence of Indian and Western music trends on our Radio Stations.

  10. Syed Umair Javed Says:

    Once again, a well written piece. It reflects how our society’s changing attitude is reflected by our radio channels and jockeys. We all love Indian music and our respect for religion is no different to that we see on the radio. The author also highlights how affairs are mismanaged with ad hoc-ism and malignant commercialism ruling the roost. Given the importance of radio as a means of communication, I agree with the author that immediate and long lasting changes must be made in order to give a self sustaining direction to radio channels

  11. Fatima Says:

    i agree with the writer on each and every point! good job done.

  12. Raessa Says:

    i believe its high time each one of us be responsible as individuals and do what we say other than just commenting on it like the Rjs as pointed by the author

  13. Ayesha Jamil Says:

    I strongly agree with huma on the point of AZAAN …that not much care is taken care of while broadcastint it.

  14. anam Says:

    yeah. these channels should in fact be even more careful since the entire nation is listening to them.

  15. fauzia Says:

    good article! keep it up!!!

  16. rehan Says:

    impressive composition

  17. khan Says:

    i dont agree with the late night prime time thing. Rest the article had good points

  18. Anam Says:

    well written!

  19. Khan Says:

    i luv radio i like radio im obsessed with radio its my life…..
    radio ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  20. Khan Says:

    RJs are sifarshi

  21. haroon Says:

    waahh!! nice article

  22. haleema Says:

    but fm channel’s quality is improving day by day!!! we should appreciate that atleast

  23. jibran Says:

    good writing skills. you should write more! we need such young writers!

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